Monday, February 25, 2013

Starting Accentuate the Negative - Feb 25th and 26th

Welcome Back!

Coming back from Break we are also moving into a new Unit called Accentuate the Negative.
The focus is on this Unit is understanding and developing systematic ways to add, subtract, multiply, and divide positive and negative numbers.  Students will develop algorithms for computations and will use the order of operations, the Commutative Property, and the Distributive Property to solve problems.

Worksheets to Complete in class or homework:
Accentuate the Negative- Prior Skills and Concepts

Working with Integers Document Link
If you can not answer a question circle it and place a question mark next to it.  Do not worry about not being able to answer every question, this is a baseline.

Skills Sheet due Friday March 1st:
Skills #13 Document Link

We started Investigation 1 by going over vocabulary and completing the reading on p. 5-7.
The vocabulary words are:

  • Rational Number
  • Positive Number
  • Negative Number
  • Integer
  • Opposite
Be sure to review these and understand their meaning based on the worksheet and today's reading.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wednesday Feb 13th

Here are the answers to the Skills Practice Assessment.

Be sure to fill out the reflection and focus on your areas of weakness.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tuesday February 12th - Skills Assessment Review

With the #1-12 Skill Assessment coming up Thursday we will focus some class time on practice assessments and self-reflection to identify areas of focus.

Here is the link to the Practice Assessment Skills #1-12.

After you complete the practice assessment correct it with your teacher and then start the self-reflection. This focuses on the last skill sheets you have completed #8-12 as well as the skills review #1-12 and the skills practice #1-12 you just completed.  Read the directions and fill it out.  Have your parents sign this as well showing they have discussed your skill progress with you and have seen the areas you have identified as your areas of focus.  We will work on these areas tomorrow, prior to the assessment.

Here is the link to the self-reflection.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

February 7th - Final Question Bank Answers

Here are the answers to the final question bank.

Comparing and Scaling Unit Test:

  • Thursday is the multiple choice portion.
  • Friday is the written task portion