Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thursday January 24th - Investigation 3.3

In this next Investigation 3.3 students are comparing and scaling unit rates.
Specifically they were faced with two different cd deals.
The students were tasked with scaling down the deals to a unit rate and then creating an equation out of that unit rate (this is review from Variables and Patterns our first Unit).

Here is a helpful video if you want to watch more on Unit Rates.
Video 1 - Unit Rates
Video 2 - Comparing Unit Rates

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday January 23rd - Investigation 3.2

Investigation 3.2 p. 42

Today we discussed unit rates in terms of time, distance and speed.
Students had to :

  • Further develop an understanding of unit trates and how to compute and interpret them.
  • Work with the important application of rates to miles/ hour (speed).
  • Apply the understanding of average speed or rate of progress.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday January 14th - Investigation 2.2

Today we completed Investigation 2.2 together.
We will continue to work through ratio comparisons in the this example using campers and pizzas.

Here are the notes from today's class.
Click here to access notes.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Thursday/ Friday January10th/ 11th

Investigation 2.1 p. 22-23 in the text.

The mathematical goal for the next two days is for students to become comfortable with writing ratios and related forms of comparisons to solve problems.

The following is the provided note sheet we completed together in class for the investigation.

Students had two days in class and the weekend to complete ACE Problems # 1, 2, 3, and 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.  These will be due Monday along with a binder organization check.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tuesday January 8th

We completed the End of Investigation Reflection on p. 21 in the text giving examples and telling what each of the following comparisons mean:
   - ratio
   - fraction
   - percent
   - difference

The students then started the Additional Practice Sheet for Investigation 1.
Here is the link to the worksheet and the answers.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Friday January 4th - Investigation 1.1

Today we covered investigation 1.1 -  Making Comparison Statements.

We focused on two goals today:
1. Explore strategies to compare information
2. Use the language of ratios

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Thursday January 3rd

Today we started Investigation 1.1 in the new Comparing and Scaling Book.
We focused on the ability to make comparisons of quantitative data.
We focused on making comparisons through:
1. ratios
2. differences
3. percents
4. simplified ratios

Here are the notes from today.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Comparing and Scaling the Next Unit

Dear Students and Parents,

The next unit in your child’s mathematics class this year is Comparing and
Scaling: Ratio, Proportion, and Percent. Students look at problems involving
many situations and learn to make comparisons using ratios, fractions, percents,
and rates.


One goal of this unit is to develop students’ abilities to make useful comparisons
of quantitative information using ratios, fractions, decimals, rates, unit rates, and
percents. A second goal is to have students learn to use quantitative comparison
information to make larger or smaller scale models.  Students should also learn different ways to reason in proportional situations and to recognize when such reasoning is appropriate.

Wednesday January 3rd

Hello everyone and Happy New Year!

I wanted to share some good practice sites for order of operations in case you wanted to practice on your own - we will talk more about these in class, but I have noticed that some of you need a little more work in this area so try some of these:

and this one - but run it in chrome or safari -

Have fun practicing!